We proudly serve as the lobbying entity for Wisconsin’s free and charitable clinics!
WAFFCC is registered with the Wisconsin Ethics Commission
WAFCC’s Executive Director, Dennis Skrajewski, is a registered Lobbyist
What We Do
Proactively advocate in Madison with the Governor’s Office, State Agencies, and State Legislators for the needs of the free and charitable clinics.
Collaborate with the National Association of Free and Charitable Clinics (NAFC) in Federal initiatives critical to our clinics.
Meet regularly with our Government Relations-Advocacy Committee to solicit input from the membership and establish legislative initiatives that support free and charitable clinic issues in the State.
Communicate legislative issues to our membership through various means including our monthly newsletter, SnapShot and our weekly FCC Leaders' call.
Depend on the active involvement of the clinics in advocacy and grassroots initiatives. These efforts include clinic leaders and providers testifying before the legislature; meeting with State Agency leaders and Federal/State Legislators; hosting legislators in their clinics; and engaging in grassroots and letter writing campaigns in support of key Federal and State issues.
2023 Advocacy Accomplishments
On July 5th, Governor Tony Evers signed the 2023-25 Biennial Wisconsin Budget. Included in the budget was an annual increase to $2.25M for Wisconsin’s Free and Charitable Clinics (FCCs). This is a $775k increase from the previous annual allotment of $1.5M. This bill represents months of hard work on the part of WAFCC, Wisconsin FCCs, and those who support our mission. In support of this increased funding, WAFCC and FCC Leaders met with over 28 Legislators since December ’22. Additionally, they testified at several public hearings including 3 of the 4 Joint Finance Committee Hearings held throughout the month of April. They shared patient impact stories while elaborating on the ways in which increased funding would help to maintain operations, build capacity, and provide higher levels of care to patients. To conclude this round of advocacy, WAFCC hosted its annual Advocacy Day at the State Capitol, where representatives from 23 FCCs visited 18 Wisconsin Legislative offices.
While WAFCC’s original goal was to secure $3M annually for FCCs, a $775k increase in funding written into state statute is a feat in itself. This accomplishment could not have been achieved without the dedication and persistence shown by free and charitable clinic supporters and advocates.
2021 Advocacy Accomplishments
In 2021, WAFCC saw two significant "wins" for Wisconsin FCCs. Advocacy efforts lead to a three-fold increase in our annual $500,000/ year grant administered by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services. The grant has now been increased to $1.5 million/ year. The Medicaid Dental reimbursement rate was also increased to 40% this year. This new reimbursement rate will go into effect January 1, 2022. In addition to this, SB-309 was passed by the Senate and companion bill AB-296 is on the floor of the Assembly awaiting action. These bills will officially define Free and Charitable Clinics in state statute. If all goes well, we hope to see Governor Evers sign these bills over this Winter.